Frisson Espresso - Manhattan

Frisson Espresso, NYC
Spending any amount of time in New York City, one becomes keenly aware of the part that coffee plays in the day to day lives of the citizenry. In the streets, on the sidewalks, in the halls - the typical white paper cups hugged by brown paper sleeves, blue-and-white Greek patterns, and clear plastic iced beverages seem as ubiquitous as the humans holding them. More important though, is understanding that while coffee can be found nearly everywhere here, not every cup is created equal. With that in mind, stop by Frisson Espresso and see just how good coffee is supposed to be.

The Grub:

Coffee from Frisson is simple, no frills and very, very good. As a self described "coffee snob" - I can immediately tell when someone cared when they made their coffee and exactly how much they cared. I do so by asking myself a few questions: Did they use the correct bean to water ratio? Was the coffee over or under extracted? Was the proper temperature used to brew? Just a taste gives the answers to all of these questions and more - and I'm very happy to say coffee from Frisson passes the test consistently. Every cup is excellent, be it an espresso drink or drip, iced or hot, they know how to make coffee right. Now, you wont find any of the fancy-dancy, diabetes-inducing concoctions available at some of the more well known chain cafes, but trust me that's a strength. The fanciest thing you can order is probably a flat white, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

My order:

Large iced coffee in summer
Large drip coffee in winter

The Digs:

While small, Frisson's location makes the most of what it has. A small but efficient seating area, flanked by the ordering counter on one side and the self-serve sugar-and-milk station on the other. Modern/industrial decor, which always seems to be peaceful when I go - it could be a nice place to relax for a few, maybe knock off a few chapters of a book. Service has always been prompt, friendly and accommodating.

The Nitty Gritty:

No frills, good coffee.

Frisson Espresso
(646) 850-3928

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